Tuesday, January 14, 2014

WLW- Chapter 2 Time for Quiet Time and Chapter 3 Your Prayer Time

Today's focus is on what you do for a quiet time and how you spend time in prayer.
Right now I am in a season where I can easily find time with the Lord. Lately I have had quiet times and prayer times that last for about an hour and I love it but in the back of my mind I think how will I do this once kids are in my life. I thirst and thrive for these times with God.

Courtney describes how in her journey finding a time and place to spend with God changed with each new season.  She gives some practical tips on how to find time to be in the word. Such as writing a passage of scripture on a note card and pulling it out to read through the week. Another idea I love that she suggests is to place your bible on the kitchen counter opened to that passage. Lately I have been writing verses I am working on memorizing or that I need to just remember daily on index cards and placing them on a ring.
 I put it in my purse and set it out on my desk at school and work to look at them through the day.

      Courtney starts chapter 3 off talking about prayer journals she has kept for many years.I love my prayer times!
These are my prayer journals. I cherish them and love to frequently look back through them.

Growing up my youth pastor taught us the PRAY model for our prayer times. Our youth pastor set aside one Sunday night a month as a prayer night. We would spend the night in prayer using this model. It is a great model to use when thinking of what to pray.
Praise- Praise God for who he is and what he has done
Repent- Ask for forgiveness for times you have strayed from following God
Ask- Lift up requests for others and yourself
Yield- Yield yourself to God and ask him to work in your life in whatever way he is leading you.

Feel free to  leave any tips or what you may have learned from these chapters as well!
Check out my thoughts on chapter 1 here.

<a href="http://womenlivingwell.org/category/women-living-well-wednesdays/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq297/courtneylivingwell/LivingWell.png"></a>


Courtney (Women Living Well) said...

OH how I love hearing that you are able to have 1 hour quiet times - what a blessing! Soak it up girl - God is going to use you greatly!
Lots of Love,
Courtney :)

Unknown said...

:) I miss the days of longer quiet times! I know God blesses them greatly! I also love the acronym you used for your prayer journal! What a wonderful idea!